Pay stations
The range of payment terminals is adapted to different space, location and function requirements. By combining payment methods, identification systems, design and a wide range of touch screens, from 10 to 32 inches, Meypar offers different solutions such as high-capacity automatic pay stations, more compact equipment with the same functionalities, multifunctional cashless kiosks, credit card payment terminals for wall installation and equipment for payment at car park exits.
Meypar designs all equipment not only from the point of view of its robustness, safety and reliability. Elegant and sober aesthetics make it easy to integrate into any type of payment area, while at the same time contributing to the display of a technological image of the car park to its users. The dimensions of the terminals and the layout of the peripherals with which the user interacts are specially designed to facilitate their use by people with reduced mobility.

A payment solution configured for every need
In car parks where cash payment coexists with the increasing use of credit cards, automated pay stations integrate a coin processing block with different recycling capacities depending on the degree of cash usage. In the same way, Meypar integrates a wide range of banknote acceptance blocks with and without recycling. Both coin and banknote processing blocks support multi-currency operation in countries where required. Meypar pays special attention to operations in order to ensure a high level of security, at the same time facilitating the work of operators in maintenance and cash management tasks.
Meypar offers cashless solutions, increasingly necessary given the predominant use of credit cards as a means of payment. The terminals can integrate modules for payment by this means configured with pin pad, readers with insertion slot and contactless.

The most suitable identification systems for your customers
All payment terminals are prepared to operate with the introduction of the vehicle number plate as a means of identification, both for one-off ticket users and parking pass holders in car parks equipped with automatic number plate reading and recognition (ANPR) cameras in the entry and exit lanes.
The ticketing operation coexists with new operations such as ticketless freeflow, so the entire parking control system must be prepared for both. To this end, all terminals incorporate a barcode scanner for identification through the display of 2D (QR) codes, either on hard copy or on the screen of mobile phones. These devices also facilitate the reading of discount vouchers for payment of the stay, as well as other media with this type of code that must be read for a specific operation.
Optionally, the terminals can integrate Mifare proximity card readers and recorders to meet the needs of parking pass holders with this type of card as a means of identification.
Since all terminals incorporate a printer for issuing vouchers, invoices and receipts, the system facilitates the additional printing of tickets for the identification of users at car park access points with Meypar pedestrian access control.

Full software power: services, easy interaction and remote support
The perception of a high level of service and the satisfaction of your customers depends on their experience, from the access control at the car park entrance to the time they leave with their vehicle. A wide range of details, such as the correct signage, fluidity, lighting and, of course, the ease of interaction with the payment terminals.
For this reason, Meypar devotes great efforts to the development of the software that is installed throughout the range. On the one hand, to create user-friendly, fast and secure operations. And, on the other, to show the minimum necessary information, the status of the process and to provide control of the operation at all times in a visual and understandable way.
In this way, the user interface enables your customer to pay for the stay and obtain a voucher in a few seconds. Optionally, depending on the business model and the configuration of the parking control system, you can offer your customers the sale of products such as temporary parking passes, facilitate the renewal of parking passes without having to go to the control centre, manage the electric vehicle recharging service integrated with the payment of the stay, or facilitate the location of the vehicle in a car park with an integrated guidance system. This same interface has a powerful set of functionalities for the operator, such as checking the status of the coin and banknote processing peripherals, collection operations, and obtaining general terminal status, economic and usage information.
The user interface can also be an additional source of revenue. All terminals have the ability to display, when idle, advertising or any other type of useful information for their customers. On medium or large format screens you can even divide the screen into two areas, one where the user will perform their operations and another for this type of content. The maximum expression of this functionality is achieved by the kiosk, equipped with a 32-inch screen arranged vertically.
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